Brief history of Nambari Sarbajanin Durga Puja

---In words of Sri Jyotirmoy Biswas
The than N.E. Railway was bifurcated on 15-1-58 and New N.F. Railway was created with its Hd. Qrs at Maligaon. Hundreds of Railwaymen were transferred from Garakhpur & other places on exercising their options for N.F. Railway. New recruitments were also going on. Naturally, the N.F. Railway started construction of New Rail Colonies for accommodation of new generation of Railwaymen. Nambari West Gotanagar, Central Gotanagar, Adarsha Colony, Maligaon and many other Colonies were created by the Railway Administration.
NowIn this situation, the inhabitants of Nambari & West Gotanagar Colonies felt necessity to start Holi Durga Puja embracing all castes and communities irrespective of any classes and groups. This Puja was started in the year 1960. with the great zeal and enthusiasm. In the first two years of this puja was held unitidily by Namabri & West Gotanagar Colonies. This joint puja was separated in the year 1962.
Durga Puja has become an international festival and this is now celebrated in global arena like all other festival viz Id-Uz-Zuha, Christmas Day, Buddha Purnima, Oram, Guru Govinda Tithi and Shankar Dev Tithi etc. Now , the universal message of this great festival is unity, integrity & fraternity to defeat the “Pasushakti” by ‘Devashakti ‘ has been vitiated.
At that time, great Social Workers like S.J. Bose, Bhubanjit Bose and others were in the fore front to organize schools, co-operatives, model clubs,rly. Institues and other social organizations at Pandu/Maligaon area. In the Nambari Puja, the maximum service were also rendered by the then General Manager Late B.C. Ganguly, J.S. Parmar, Naren Sengupta, Bhabani Roy, Dr. B. Bosu, A.C. Sen, M.S. Dua, Mr. Rajan Varadha, Haripada Chakraborty, Haripada Mitra, Radhu Majumder, Minati Majumder, Dr. Bani Bhattacherjee, A. K. Deb Barman and so may prominent figures. Four days cultural function viz Theatre and Jatra, Kabigan, Kirtan sangeet, Arati Pratijyota, Dhakbadhya etc. etc. were regularly held at Durga Puja Pandel.
A group of dedicated workers viz R.P. Adhikari, H.K. Das, D. Bose, Late P.C. Choudhury, S. Chakraborty, P. Dhar, Kanu Chakraborty, A.R. Tilak, J. Karmakar, S. Tarafdar , i Sonai and others were very dedicated workers for the smooth culmination of this occasion. At that time, Vijaya Dashami Function were regularly held. The houses of N.Sengupta, Haripada Chakraborty, Minati Majumdar were always kept open for puja committee workers.
The gloss of Nambari Durga Puja was not very high, but it had a tradition to organization ‘Daridra Narayan Sava for four days with full pqnkti Bhojan which was never seen in the other puja pandel. Mr Paran Chatterjee and H.K. Das were prominent Dhol Badak. We cannot forget the Wife of Naren Sengupta and she was our Mashima. She was very kind hearted lady and treated us as her own sons.
The Nambari Puja Committee observed Silver Jubilee in the year, 1985.

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